"Let the little children come to me."

Beautifully illustrated and designed in a magazine–style, this special edition of the Gospel of Mark is ideally suited for Millennials and Gen Z. The fresh and contemporary design helps bring the full bible text from the Gospel of Mark to today’s reader.

Using a clear format and carefully chosen images to draw you into the story, this is a perfect resource for outreach and is a great way to give the bible to friends and colleagues who may never have read it before. Mark’s Gospel provides a clear presentation and eyewitness account of the life of Jesus and is ideal for this resource.

This template design can be easily edited and customised for your ministry.

One of our partners HOPE Together, used this template and printed on quality paper, to make this an attractive gift to give away to friends, colleagues and family, visitors to church and people in the community who are exploring faith.

Watch this video to hear more about this from Rachel Jordan-Wolf, Executive Director, HOPE Together.

This is the beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God. Long ago Isaiah the prophet wrote, “I will send my messenger ahead of you. He will prepare your way.”

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