Introducing Community Bible Experience

God’s desire to draw children to Himself was the inspiration for The Treasure Hunt Bible. This special edition volume of the New Testament was created to be a fun, exciting bridge to take kids from just listening to stories, to engaging fully with the message of salvation.

With nine different “hunts” to choose from, children embark on an adventure to discover the treasures God has waiting for them in His Word. Each of these is tailored to a specific learning style.

This book, however, is about engaging the child’s whole being heart, soul, and mind.

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Using a reading plan developed over 8 or 16 weeks, Community Bible Experience is ideal for group use – more like a book club than a traditional Bible study. Group members get together once a week to share their thoughts, reflections and encouragements in response to five simple questions:

What's it Like to Experience CBE?

You can also access full details about Community Bible Experience at where you can find out more information, access daily audio and video resources and find out more as you begin your CBE journey. You can also contact us with questions at any time on [email protected]

How Can You Get Involved?

If you would like to give financially to the project, and help us continue to develop this unique resource, you can donate to the project via our donation page.