Cameron, originally from Scotland, lives in Northern Ireland and is the leader of a Torch Trust Fellowship Group in Belfast. Cameron lives with a physical disability called Spastic Diplegia and is partially sighted with sight only in one eye.
Cameron committed his life to Jesus when he was 19 years old and tells us of his amazing journey of faith ever since. In 2012 God placed a vision on Cameron’s soul to see revival in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. In response, Cameron has created Revival Sparks Ministries. He is working to gather people in a very informal way to create a community of people who catch the vision and join him in the revival journey.
Due to his sight issues, reading God’s Word has been a struggle for Cameron. When Cameron first got his hands on a copy of the NIrV Accessible Edition he told us:
My first impression was, it’s a big book! But once I opened it the first thing that struck me was the page colour– it helps to lift the print a bit and enables the words to stand out off the page, which is good for me as I only have one working eye. It is written in an easier language so it touches my heart more quickly!
The Accessible Bible has strengthened Cameron’s faith and he is excited to share it with many others with sight impairments.
We thank Cameron for sharing his story with us. If you would like more information on Torch Trust you can visit their website.
We will leave you with Cameron’s own words about the Accessible Bible:
Thank you Biblica for producing this Bible and for spending time and money on bringing God’s Word in such an easy format to read and understand.