Hodder & Stoughton

Give to Translate

Help us translate the Bible - one word at a time...

Across the globe there are millions of people who still can’t access a contemporary version of God’s Word in their own first language.

It costs just £1 to translate the next word – can you help?

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Our Current Project

Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe, and yet to date, they do not have a contemporary translation of the Bible for Ukrainian speakers to read and understand.

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for regular updates on this project.

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For more than 200 years, Biblica has helped people beyond the reach of God’s Word discover the love of Jesus Christ through the Bible. As we move into our third century of ministry, we continue to produce relevant and reliable Scripture translations and resources that minister to people on the margins of the Gospel.

To find out more about Biblica’s Bible translation work in Europe visit

You can also find out more about Biblica’s global work and ministry at

Hodder Stoughton

Hodder & Stoughton are the publishers of the NIV Bible in the UK & Europe. Give to Translate is a partnership between Biblica and Hodder to raise awareness of the urgent need for contemporary language Bible translations across the globe. Royalties from all sales of the NIV Bible help Biblica in their work of translating and distributing Bibles around the world.

To find out more about Hodder & Stoughton,
the publishers of the NIV in the UK and Europe,

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